Friday, March 26, 2010

Bye bye, mole.

Stitches look gnarly. There's still some lidocaine working its magic, but man, this feels funky! I got three stitches to close up the ellipse they cut out of me. My doctor is a great guy. Kept a good sense of humor throughout the whole thing and talked to me about his experiences with photography and photoshop. He told me he had the eye for composing pictures but anything more complicated than that (depth of field, etc) made his eyes spin. I'm willing to bet it's something he knows but doesn't know that he knows. The worst part was the lidocaine injection. It's a combination between a sting and feeling like a hair is getting pulled. No, not even the injection. The worst part is the waiting. In the days leading up to the biopsy I was starting to panic, feeling that good old anxiety creep back. Once I realized exactly how little (i.e., nothing) I was feeling after the injection I started to relax.
I told myself "don't look, don't look" when he began to cut around the mole but curiosity prevailed. And really... it wasn't bad. Watching him cut out the mole and pull it out with forceps was a little more crawlies-inducing. Right now it's looking like it belongs on a Silent Hill monster. My arm is a little sore from the tension from the stitches. Playing Silent Hill: Shattered Memories was not the best idea when I got home. My band-aid quickly detached itself from my arm and to my laptop. Cleaning neosporin off my beautiful shiny machine was not what I had in mind.

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